Well this weekend was a busy weekend. I got to the point
where my garage had gotten way to small and it was time to make a move and so I
did. My Shopsmith system with all it gadgets are now gone. I am a wood carver
and even though it was a great system it was more then I will ever use. I also
found that the band saw for the Shopsmith, which was my main interest in the system,
was anything but efficient and accurate for cutting rough cuts. So I posted it
on Craigslist Friday evening at an extremely reasonable price and by Sunday
afternoon early it was gone. I still have my Shopsmith mini and that is not going any where.
A little side note, if you have something for sale you need
to ask yourself some basic questions. What do I have in it, how bad to I want
it out of my house and how fast do I want it gone. Too many people have
unrealistic ideas on either how much something is worth or how fast something
should sell. If you want big money for something you might have to sit on it
for awhile and if you want to get it gone you can put a fair and reasonable
price without giving it away. I sold my Shopsmith for more than I paid for it
but could have gotten more but wanted it gone, Christmas is coming and I wanted
a cushion.

Also this weekend one of the gentlemen who showed interest
in my Shopsmith had some wood gouges that he ended up selling to me, yeah I had
something for sale and I ended up buying or should I say trading instead. I had
a second Shopsmith band saw and I traded it for twelve Swiss made gouges,
hooray. And a great reminder why I am happy to be earning my way into the
carving community, my mentor down in SC Mark Akers (my mentor extraordinaire)
offered his help in restoring my tools if I needed it. Shortly after that a
carving buddy and carving teacher up in Williamsburg, Bob Soderholm invited me
up not to carve this time but to sharpen some tools, twelve to be exact. I have to give a big thank you to the both of
them for offering their help once again.
My experience is this,
I have done graphics in the past and now am back to carving and I can without
any hesitation say that the carving community is the most welcoming and helpful
group of guys and gals that you would ever want to associate with, and
recruiting members daily. There is always room for one more carver at the
So as you see this was a busy but wonderful past few days.