Merry Christmas
Thursday, December 24, 2015
Monday, December 21, 2015
and more ornaments part II
Well I got some painting done last night but as you may have noticed there was one that I focused on more then the other two and there was a third sitting on the desk that got forgot completely. So the main carving for me, my pilot Santa is done and awaiting the sealant. The other two I may work on tonight if I am not busy addressing envelopes to send out our annual Christmas letter.
It was funny last night as I am cleaning up my table and putting away my tools I glanced at my pilot and wasn't sure I liked the way he was coming along, part of this was I had another carving casting a shadow over this one. Yeah, this guy, I was so happy with this guy and the way I painted his eyes that it influenced the way I looked at the other carving. I don't know if other carvers do this but I am told that I compare carvings one to another, hey what can I say, this is how I am wired. I am still looking to earn my way into the carving community.
Now as Paul Harvey would say is "The Rest of the Story" I came out this morning sat in my chair and picked up my now painted carving and probably due to not being fully awake yet, looked at him all by himself without comparing him to any other carving and you know what, I like him, I like him a lot. I wonder how many other ares of my life I just need to step back and take a fresh look to see if I see it in a new perspective.

Now as Paul Harvey would say is "The Rest of the Story" I came out this morning sat in my chair and picked up my now painted carving and probably due to not being fully awake yet, looked at him all by himself without comparing him to any other carving and you know what, I like him, I like him a lot. I wonder how many other ares of my life I just need to step back and take a fresh look to see if I see it in a new perspective.
Merry Christmas to you and yours and as always,
Good night and may God bless
Sunday, December 20, 2015
ornaments, ornaments and more ornaments
Well as you can see by this page and if you have visited my shop I am in ornament mode as we speak though Christmas is fast approaching. Last year around this time I stopped carving ornaments but this year I will maintain a certain stock of new ornaments in my shop as people have told me they shop all year round for items such as mine. We will put this theory to the test in the coming year.
In regard to the ornaments themselves, the size I carve has become an area of interest for me. The two single carvings are my standard size ornaments which are around 6" long and 2" wide. Lately I have begun to carve a smaller version as seen in the middle image, these guys range from 3 to 4 inches long and 1 1/4" wide. I haven't put any of these in my shop as of yet as they may just be ones I give to friends and family, we shall see. They seem to be garnishing positive response from everyone so I may end up putting some in the shop to see how they do. It takes close to the same amount of carving time dependent on the amount of detail so will have to keep this in mind while setting the price if I begin to sell these. I will look into the idea of carving a small pilot to see if I can pull this off.
I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
as always,
Good night and may God bless
Thursday, December 3, 2015

as always,
Good night and may God bless
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
just keep carving
I also love the grain of this wood and how it looks with the finished carving once painted. So as you see three more ornaments have been carved and two still need to have a sealant applied before I can begin the painting process.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and is ready to be filled with the joyous spirit of Christmas.
as always,
Good night and may God bless
Thursday, November 26, 2015
tow ornaments pt 2 plus 1
as always,
Good night and may God bless
Saturday, November 14, 2015
2 new ornaments in the works
I am blessed this year to have two wonderful friends and fellow carvers that want to do an ornament swap so I will need to carve something for each of them and try to match their efforts. One of the two carvers has already requested a pilot based on my pilot ornaments from previous years and the other is leaving it up to me and I have already seen what hes has begun to carve. So stay tuned this will most certainly get very interesting in the coming days.
as always,
Good night and may God bless
Saturday, November 7, 2015
boots on the ground
So I carved a pirate based on a little people carving and enjoyed carving it and how it came out. This as many things do got me thinking, as many may know I like to carve many of my ornaments where they can stand alone for those who may want one on display somewhere other than the tree. Up till now they have rested on their beards but after the pirate I had an epiphany. Why wouldn't they have feet under the boots and now they do. So far the feedback is good on these carvings so I will do a few more and gauge how they do throughout the season but as for me, I like them.

These are carved from butternut and I have to say this is becoming my wood of choice. I still like bass wood but something about the way butternut carves and the way I carve that seem to match up. It also does well with my painting style and gives my carvings a rustic look that I like, hope you do to.
On a final note usually I carve something post an image of it and then paint and share the final. As you can see I am a bit behind so I haven't been able to do this as much. As of late I have been working on a design or two for a wonderful carver Wayne Shinlever. A few years back he had seen some of my cartoons and contacted me and asked if I could work up a design for him. The note had gotten buried under a pile on my desk and six months to a year later I found it and called him to see if he still wanted that design, he did. Wayne will be at the Dayton show this month and believe me you will want to stop by and see what ended up coming from my cartoon. He also is a fun guy to talk with, so stop by and say hi.
On a final note usually I carve something post an image of it and then paint and share the final. As you can see I am a bit behind so I haven't been able to do this as much. As of late I have been working on a design or two for a wonderful carver Wayne Shinlever. A few years back he had seen some of my cartoons and contacted me and asked if I could work up a design for him. The note had gotten buried under a pile on my desk and six months to a year later I found it and called him to see if he still wanted that design, he did. Wayne will be at the Dayton show this month and believe me you will want to stop by and see what ended up coming from my cartoon. He also is a fun guy to talk with, so stop by and say hi.
as always,
Good night and may God bless
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
ornaments ornaments ornaments
Well I have begun the push to load my shop with my 2015 Christmas ornaments. This is the main portion though I do have a few more that may be loaded within the next few days. Not all have been loaded but my goal is to have everything in the shop by Friday. I was going to be doing a craft fair this year but at the last minute it was canceled for November. I believe they may try and do one in the spring if not they will set their sights on November 2016.
I need to carve a few more but after a while I get itchy to carve something different but as they say "tis the season". Mine like many shops are busy from last week or so of October/ first week of November through the end of the year so this is when the main thrust of our sales occurs. I should have had all my ornaments in the shop by now but have had numerous projects going at one time. Starting this past Monday radio stations have begun playing Christmas music, people are counting down to Christmas both on TV and on social media sites, it has begun.
My hope and prayer is that we learn to enjoy the moment for once it is gone it is gone. Yes we have the memories but it is in the average every day moments that define who we are, husband, father, stay home dad or carver/cartoonist. I will end this with some lyrics from Billy Dean;
I'm gonna hold who needs holdin'
Mend what needs mendin'
Walk what needs walkin'
Though it means an extra mile
Pray what needs prayin'
Say what needs sayin'
'Cause we're only here
For a little while
as always,
"Good night and may God bless"
Saturday, October 31, 2015
new Santa ornament
I was not feeling great last night so don't know if I was testing my skills or just being lazy but the main bulk of this carving was done with one knife. Usually I am utilizing my gouges and other tools during the process but not last night. This was a good time carving as it made me look at certain lines in a new light. When you use a gouge it can be easy to fall into the same old same old of making a quick cut and moving on to the next cut. But those same lines carved with a knife you pay more attention to the depth and angle of the cut.
You may have noticed that I didn't carve any detail into the beard area and I am not sure if I will. This was kind of done in a flat plane style (somewhat) and when this is done the beard doesn't have cut to highlight it. Sometimes it is left with the simple shape and basic color sometimes it can be painted and then the carver comes back and highlights areas with a faint line painted on the edges. The verdict is out as of late on how I will proceed, probably won't make the decision until late this morning or worse case after the Nebraska game. Yeah not a great year for my Cornhuskers but it is part of my heritage so always a fan no matter how the season goes. But whatever I decide (about the carving) I will share more in the next few days.
as always,
Good night and may God bless
Monday, October 5, 2015
new carving

This is my latest carving, it has been a long while since I have carved a full body carving. I will look to work in a few more of there within the next few weeks as I also carve a few more ornaments for the Christmas season. I may even take this guy and turn him into a Santa carving, who knows.
At least today and beyond for the foreseeable future we will have some sunshine so I will carve out a few roughouts for future use. I will need to check my stock of wood and see what I may need.

"Good night and May God bless"
Sunday, September 27, 2015


Thursday, September 3, 2015
I have always had a fascination with the biplane era and always dreamed of flying one. Then in the beginning of our marriage we went down to a fly in for r/c planes and when everyone was done flying their planes and gotten something to eat a friend and co-worker of my wife's ask if we wanted to see his Stearman. Not knowing planes like my wife and the rest of the gang I thought we were going to see a basic plane.
as always,
"Good night and may God bless"
Monday, August 31, 2015
as always,
"Good night and may God bless"
Saturday, August 29, 2015
holiday carvings pt 2
The flame of the candle was simply painting this section yellow and then coming back with a watered down red that I painted from the lower portion of the flame up towards the tip of the flame. With my painting I am reaching into what I have learned from using water color and also trying to not over think the process.
Overall I am happy with him and may carve another one or so for the upcoming Christmas season. If I do another one I will expand his beard further down the candle.
as always,
"Good night and may God bless"
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