Well the show has come and gone and I am back home in Virginia. The show was all day Saturday with carving demonstrations and raffles and of course the wood carving competition. As you see, it was a good show for my ornaments garnishing a 1st, 2nd and honorable mention. Now placing in a competition, most would assume that this was the highlight of the event but there was so much more. For instance I got into town Friday evening, checked my carvings into the show and then just looked around till 6 pm when the show closed for the day. After this I ran to my hotel to get checked in and then called Dwayne Gosnell so we could meet up for dinner, then after dinner we went back to his house got out the tools and carved till almost midnight. Wonderful learning experience though I struggled to get to sleep trying to remember all that was taught.

Then Saturday and time for the show but first I had some errands to run. Being that my wife was an NC State grad I wasn't going to be in the state of North Carolina and not get her something with NC State on it. I checked a couple store but the best stuff was at the Kohl's there in Hickory and I got her a few items and now it's time for me to go to the show. A portion of the day was spent showing those interested my pattern book that I am hoping will be in print before the end of the year. I am shooting for mid November but that is for another day and another blog post.
The majority of the day was spent hanging out with wood carvers from the
Catawba Valley Woodcarvers Club members as well as other carvers who attended the show. I had the chance to sit with
Mitch Cartledge and Kevin Applegate and talk carving, wood carving patterns and NC State as Mitch was a grad of there as well. The two gentlemen could not have been more gracious and welcoming and as like my time carving with Dwayne this really made it a memorable show. While sitting with the two of them I came up with a wonderful idea and they were once again gracious enough to go along with me on it. The version of my book was in rough-draft mode and they not only took the time to look it over and give me feedback but they and a good few others signed the book for me simply because I made the request.

I am not a big autograph seeker, I don't have a major collection of these and the ones I have are Nebraska Cornhusker related autographs, like Dr. Tom Osborne, yeah that one's a good one. Not for the monetary value but for the 25 years of watching him as the schools head coach. In the same regard the signatures in my book were not based on the monetary value but for the memory of hanging out with carvers that I admire for their down home attitude and for the wondrous talents God has given them. Signatures only have monetary value if you would sell them one day and like my mini helmet and book with Dr. Tom's, this book with the likes of carvers such as Dwayne Gosnell, Mitch Cartledge, Kevin Applegate and others is for my scrap book and mine alone. I may do other shows and I may after this one gets placed in print attempt another book but this show and this book are my first and that will always be a cherished memory to be. I couldn't thank these folks enough for the wonderful show and time I had this past Saturday.
as always,
Good night and May God bless