A few things have changed lately; many have told me that my carving style has changed. The finish I put on my carvings has changed. So due to the first two, the way I paint will change as well to make sure I match up with the previously mentioned changes. This will really be more of a modification than a complete change, kind of a 2.0 version truth be told.

So then the question is how I do this, how do I test the way I will modify my painting process. If I was working with water color I would take out a scrap piece of water color paper and test it before I did it on an illustration. So that is what I will do here as well. So I took a corner block and carved in some facial features and once enough was there I painted the piece, applied a sealant and then applied the finish. Now I have an idea of how this modification will look on my newly carved ornaments. As a good friend and fellow wood carver Tony Harris always stresses to me, "test it on a scrap piece first, that way the disappointment won't be with a carving you invested time in".
as always,
"Good night and May God bless"