Christmas has come and gone for another year, all the excitement and anticipation is now over and everyone is now focused on the upcoming new year. But before the year ended I got some carving time in and carved these two solely based on the idea of twisting the cap, because for me all it takes is a small idea to get me started. Once the cap was carved I then proceeded to detail the beard.

Many have commented about the way I carve the mustache and the beard of my characters, some have even challenged me to carve a curlier beard and so for these two I did. The first one I gave it just a bit more curl but nothing to extreme. Then for the second one I pondered the idea of not only putting the curl in the cap but also in the beard and so I did just that. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised with the overall response to both carvings once they were painted and the finish was applied.
I hope those of you who frequent my blog enjoy the newest carvings and I hope you had a wonderful Christmas celebration. May I be the first to wish each and every one of you a Happy New Year.
as always,
"Good night and May God bless"