Years ago my youngest son saw that we got a PCH envelope in the mail and he inquired if I was going to fill it out. I told him no and that the odds of winning were astronomical and his replay was, "you can't win if you don't enter". You know what, you can't, this is true. Before anyone reads into this I am not advocating that you go out and spend your hard earned money on the lottery, which reminds me of a story;
A man prays every night, "God please allow me to win the lottery" he prays this every night for one solid year and at the end of the year he prays with a frustrated heart; "Lord God, I came to You in prayer every night for a year that You would allow me to win the lottery and never once did You answer my prayer". He sat there quiet in his room and then a voice answered him saying, "my son you prayed every night and I heard each prayer but not once in a whole year did you ever buy a lottery ticket".
Don't we do that sometimes, wonder why things haven't gone our way not thinking about how we haven't really invested the time and energy to make things happen. Or we just say to ourselves "this will never work" and with that we decide it's not worth the effort so we never take a chance because the idea of failure is too upsetting. Of course by not trying at all, we have failed already. Well I may fail in the next few months but it won't be because I didn't give myself the opportunity to fail. So hopefully in the next few months I will announce that I have a pattern book for wood carvers being published and then as a follow up I hope to have a table top book of my cartoons. Win lose or draw I will invest the time and effort to give myself every opportunity to fail and who knows maybe I won't. So stayed tuned and please be patient if my postings here are a bit sparse at times. I will still be carving but the drawing board is getting ready to get real active. I will post updates as they become available but due to the material I will be working on there won't be many images loaded here.
as always,
"Good night and may God bless"