In the last posting I showed the movie of this guy and then mostly spoke about the soldier heading to Afghanistan so I thought today I would share some images of this guy and share some other info. For now back to the man of the hour, my WWII pilot. Many may know that I have always had a fondness for the pilots of old and the early days of aviation. Many also know that the majority of my pilots are done with the leather flight cap and a Christmas cap on that. Well I thought this time I would do one with the crushable pilot cap. I am not a military historian but I would bet they called these crushable because they would be crushed down by the head set, yet as I say not a historian by any stretch of the imagination. I plan on doing a few more in this style as I was extremely happy with the way he turned out.

On a completely unrelated note (besides the obvious, it's about a carving) I got a package in the mail the other day and it was from the CCA, a third place ribbon. Somehow it got missed in the shipping and was delivered separately from the carvings and the other ribbons. the irony here was I had shortly after the first package arrived joked with my family how I may never get a third place ribbon which would give me a royal flush. Of course when I opened the package my youngest son was quick to point out that once again my predictions were wrong. (See blog posting
Saturday, August 20, 2016) What a wonderful surprise especially since my carvings had by now made it home and I was no longer expecting or hoping for anything. I also am very fond of this carving and was hoping he would do well on the day of competition.
as always,
Good night and May God bless