Yes it is true I have decided to be motivated because not
all motivation is a deep burning desire. To quote “We are what we repeatedly
do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.” Aristotle
So if he really was that wise which would make this true
then to achieve a certain level of skill in anything is not done solely by
talent but honing that talent. Thus my motivation is simple I am a descent
cartoonist and an ok carver, but I don’t want to be descent or ok. I want to
know how good I can be. Not to sell anything or to get my illustration in print
but simply to know, how good can I be. I also want to put myself out there to
find out how motivated I am.
I don't have a wide array of paints because typically I work in water
color for my illustrations, so I will be working on the painting process as
well. With the limited colors it will force a little creativeness on my part.