Tuesday, June 2, 2015

ugly stick carving

Well the other day I was picking up some branches that came down and I decided I would carve one. I believe these are called ugly sticks, many carvers carve these though I have to say I don't remember the wood they prefer. Kathy Overcash told me she likes to carve Rose of Sharon from her yard. She said it is a bit softer wood when wet, doesn't use power tools on it unless it has been able to dry out.

I don't know what tree this piece came from but it was a nice solid piece and worth giving it a try. I noticed that the grain was an issue with my Dremel and I had to pay close attention to the direction I was carving. If I do another one I may try carving with my knives and see how that goes since I wasn't totally happy with playing with the grain from one side of the face to the other. I may see the knives don't change this issue and that it is just the woods make-up. I pulled out my wood burner and highlighted some areas. Next I will consider putting a finished coat on the piece and then adding some color. I haven't decided if that little knot on the edge of his lower lip is drool or his tongue. The decision may be left up to the paint. Overall I think he came out o.k. and when more branches come down I will consider carving another.

as always happy trails
Carpe diem 4 carving 

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